SteamD-5WebThe Steam Donkey Project retrieved a rusty donkey located on a ridge north of Haywire Bay, Powell Lake, preserved it, and relocated the donkey to the Willingdon Beach Trail in Powell River in 2001 and 2002.

Here the general public can see this remarkable equipment and imagine how it might operate.

more photos here


The exhibit begins with a description of plans and fieldtrips. Then you may view photos of the steam donkey as it lay on the ridge. Then we show the helicopter liftout, making the skid, moving the skid to 2nd beach, assembly, and opening ceremonies. Finally, we have many people to thank making this project happen.

donkey7Rudi van Zwaaij hiked into the area and found the donkey in July 1999. It was still strong enough to airlift but, if it were left to rust away in this hard-to-reach bush area, only a few hikers would see it before it finally collapsed. Members of the Museum Society readily agreed to proceed with the Donkey Project this year to ensure that many Powell River citizens and visitors could enjoy this important artifact. A few other abandoned donkeys remain in the woods for hikers to enjoy in their original setting.


donkey1Steam Donkey Fieldtrip February 26, 2000
Members of a fieldtrip in Feb 2000 developed a more detailed plan and then organized resources to retrieve and restore the donkey.
Norm Evans, Les Shelton, Greg Voysey, Tom Oldale, Suzanne and Mike Clarke, Kraig Urbanoski, Richard Parker, Rudi van Zwaaij, Howie McKamey, Brian Crilly