For information about the 2021 and future raffles, please go to our new website

$2255 total revenue
Proceeds to the trail insurance and Forestry Museum staffing.
Winner Robert Deyo of Aggasiz, BC.
Catherine Johnston of Powell River was pleased to get the call after the draw at 4 pm, Sunday Aug 20, on the Arts Alive stage.
We sold out of tickets early Sunday Aug 20 when we reached the total authorized: $3,000.
The raffle generated $2,300 profit, which will be shared between PRFHS projects and the PRHMA Forestry Museum program.
Many thanks to all the ticket buyers who supported us through this raffle; and special thanks to the PR Museum for selling their most-ever tickets at their events and from the two museums.
Our star ticket seller continues to be Debra Bevaart, the prize's sculptor, who sold over $1,500 in tickets from her Tug Ghum gallery at Lund, For this tremendous support over the past eight years we list Tug Ghum Gallery as a Silver Sponsor in our recognition program.
The ticket sales for the 2017 fundraiser began at the PRHMA kiosk during the Lund Shellfish festival May 26-27. The next big sale weekend was from the PRFHS display at Logger Sports, and then Blackberry fest weekend: $250 in sales at the PRHMA kiosk at the street party, then $400 in sales Saturday Aug 19 at Arts Alive, enhanced by the presence of Betty Wilson with her Traditional use of the Forest demonstration, and Ron Hunter carving axes.
The new pricing option of 5 tickets for $20 attracted much interest; more than half the tickets were sold at 5 for $20.
The upgraded prize to a Sea Lion was also popular with regular ticket buyers.
Tickets were sold at the Historical Museum, Forestry Museum beginnng mid June, and at the Railroad each Sunday.
Our annual raffle winners were drawn on stage Aug 21 at Arts Alive by Roberta Pearson:
- Eric Morris, who lives out-of-town, won the green seal head sculpture
- Cheryl Thompson of Nanaimo won the brown seal head sculpture
Special thanks to Tug Ghum Gallery; Debra Bevaart and Dan Spragg for supporting us so well in this fundraiser. Debra provided a deep discount on the Sealhead sculptures, but most important - they sold a record number of tickets from the gallery and elsewhere.
The raffle netted $1500, which will go a long way towards paying our $2000 insurance bill.
More photos of the sealhead carvings here
Our annual raffle was an opportunity to fund our biggest expense: $2000 for insurance.
We had two prizes for 2016: two seal head stone carvings by Debra Bevaart.
Tickets were available at the Powell River Museum, Forestry Museum, Railroad on Sundays; and Tug Ghum Gallery in Lund.
More photos of the sealhead carvings here
Dave Florence, PRFHS president, with the draw prizes.
Juhli Jobi drew the winners on Sep 20:
- Linda Kenning of Nanaimo won Debra Bevaart's life-size soapstone carving of a seal pup, and
- Dawn Henderson of Egmont won Dan Spragg's soapstone sculpture of a starfish.
Special thanks to Tug Ghum Gallery; Debra Bevaart and Dan Spragg for supporting us so well in this fundraiser. Dan Donated the starfish sculpture; Debra provided a deep discount on the Sealhead sculptures, but most important - they sold a record number of tickets from the gallery and elsewhere.
Earlybird winner of the green sealhead was Holly Coombs of Powell River, seen here with PRFHS president Dave Florence.
Our annual raffle is an opportunity to fund our biggest expense: $2000 for insurance.
We had three prizes for 2015: two seal head stone carvings by Debra Bevaart, and one starfish by Dan Spragg .
Tickets were available at the Powell River Museum, Forestry Museum, Railroad on Sundays; and Tug Ghum Gallery in Lund.The main draw was Sep 20 at a Fall aFair. (noon to 3pm this year with a reduced program)
Raffle 2014Two prizes this year, valued over $750. As usual, lovely seal head carvings by Debra Bevaart of Lund's tug Ghum gallery. We sold almost 500 tickets, netting about $1500 for the Willingdon Beach Trail maintenance and Forestry Museum operation for 2014/2015. Ted Belyea won the larger seal; Lorranine Franzen the smaller. We presented their prizes Sep 2, 2014. Tickets were $5.00; available from the Forestry Museum, from members, from the Tug Ghum gallery, the Paradise Valley Railroad when operatng, and at Forestry Heritage events. Thanks to all who participated. We plan to do a similar raffle next year. |